Monday, August 16, 2010

Maths Week 2010

This week has been Maths week! This year we have a variation of different activities and also at my school we had a mathex competition and 2 teams from every class went to the qualifying round and the top 8 made it through to the final but in my class we only had 1 team consisting of Ben, Carlos, MARK, and me. In the qualifying round my team got second with 40 points out of 50 and first place was room 13 and then us then room 1. In the final round though we got last place because we didn't know most of the questions. As well as that we had a 10.15 sprint in the morning where a maths problem would come over the loud speaker then each class had to work it out and send someone to run the the teacher and if you were the first one there and your answer was correct your class got a bag off lollies and it happened every day and we didn't get it until today and there is 19 classes in our school so we did well. Another competition we had was at morning tea we had to go to the library and look at the maths equation and bring the answer to the duty teacher for a chocolate bar. And everyday there is a class challenge where your class has to figure out the maths problem and then take your answer to room 1 to be in the draw for a mufti. And there is also a individual challenge where you have to get a sheet of paper and write down all the answers that have been delivered to your class through out this week. And there is also 2 more competitions 1 is the design a poster competition and the design a maths game which i think i can trust you to know what they are. And every entry for a competition goes into the draw for an xbox 360 and every win in a competition puts another entry in the draw again for you. And just for my class because we are the ICT class we get to go on maths week which is a website where you complete challenges to earn maths week dollars. And at the end of the week you can bid on auctions and win cool stuff. All your extra maths week dollars go into the big maths week draw.

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