Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Earlier in the year the SLAM! crew from what now came down to Pukekohe and half of Pukekohe intermediate participated in this event. Through all the rounds two people from Pukekohe intermediate went down to Christchurch for the finals. Unfortunately we did not even make i past the first round but everyone had an awesome time. When it was in Pukekohe their was lots of gunge and it was awesome. The people who got a ball in the first round made it into the second round which was a water balloon competition were you have to throw a water balloon through a hole and then catch it on the other side twice to get one point. The team with the most points goes on the do the SLAM! course which you first have to go over and under inflatable logs and then spell Pukekohe on the scrambled board then run to three buckets and pour gunge on top of your head which is from the buckets. then run up to a pool pull the lever and a big lot of gunge goes on top of you and then you run down a mat then to the finish where you get squashed together by two foam plates. And during the whole course you are running on a slippery map with dish washing liquid and gunge.

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